Parent Dedication
Commit to Raise Your Child in a God-honoring Home
Congratulations! If you are reading this, your family was recently blessed with a new baby. As a church, we are excited to partner with you as you begin this incredible journey with your child.
What is Parent Dedication?
Parent Dedication is a special time in which you make a formal commitment to raise your child in a Christ-centered home. We see several examples of dedicating children in the Bible such as 1 Samuel 1:24 – 2:10 when Hannah dedicated Samuel at the temple and Luke 2 where Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus. Ideally, make the commitment in front of the church body or with a group of close friends and relatives as a public pledge that you will raise your child to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. God designed the home as the primary place for faith to be nurtured. One way that we seek to partner with you is by providing resources throughout your child’s spiritual journey. We call this the Faith Path. Parent Dedication is the first step.
The Parent's Commitment
Parent Dedication is your commitment to model, teach, and reinforce the Christian faith. It should not be confused with your child’s personal choice to follow Christ. We believe the Bible clearly teaches that each person must decide for themselves to trust in Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9-10). The age a child is ready to make this personal decision will vary depending on the child.
Parent Dedication Celebration Ideas
Ideas for making dedication a special time include...
Inquire at church about the possibility of scheduling a public expression of dedication.
Have a dinner or celebration time with family and friends before/after the time of dedication.
Invite family members and special family friends to write blessings to your child as a keepsake. Make sure that you write one too!
Record a video message for your child to view in the future. Speak words of affirmation, sharing how you are praying for their spiritual journey and how you desire to point them toward Christ. Preserve the video to show them later. You can also write a letter if that works better for you.
Let our Faith Path team know how we can support you in this process by texting FAITHPATH to 317-483-1525.
Intentional Faith Path Plan
How will you be intentional this next year?
Pray daily for my child.
Attend church regularly.
Consistently spend time in God’s Word.
Write your child a “legacy letter” in which you share your hopes for their future self to be given on their 18th birthday.
________________________________ (add your own)
The next step on the Faith Path is Blessing, recommended at age three. We will offer a Blessing kit to guide you.
Bumps, Babies, and the Gospel by Sarah Dargue
Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman
Dad Tired and Loving It: Stumbling Your Way To Spiritual Leadership by Jerrad Lopes
Dedicated to the Lord: Five Parental Promises for the Faithful Discipleship of Children by David Michael
Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler